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[1080P泰剧] [无台标][泰剧:寻物使者 全12集][1080P台版/每集约1G][泰语 中文软字幕][MKV][百度]

匿名  发表于 2023-6-20 22:12:25 |阅读模式

◎译  名 寻物使者/Return Man/失物协寻师/寻爱侦探/送货员
◎片  名 ยอดรัก นักทวงคืน
◎年  代 2023
◎产  地 泰国
◎类  别 剧情 / 喜剧
◎语  言 泰语
◎上映日期 2023-02-08(泰国)
◎豆瓣评分 /10 from 0 users
◎豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/35745545/
◎集  数 12
◎主  演 帕塔丹·詹金 Pattadon Jan-Ngern
       查雅妮·臣姗卡维 Chayanit Chansangavej
       提拉达·迈特瓦拉育 Teeradetch Metawarayut
       纳帕·维凯伦罗 Naphat Vikairungroj
       坤查努·肯甘卡 Kunchanuj Kengkarnka
       吉普·瓦苏·桑辛凯 Jeep Wasu Saengsingkaeo
       甘雅拉·露安珑 Kanyarat Ruangrung

◎简  介

  Return Man是一家初创公司,提供100%的保证,将丢失或被盗的物品归还给真正的主人。
  Pribprao雇佣了由Yodyut拥有的Return Man来找回她的猫。印象深刻的是,他不仅归还了她的猫,还对偷走猫的前任实施了报复,Pribprao决定申请为该公司工作。在执行他们的各种回收任务时,她发现自己爱上了尤达,但他封锁了埋藏在内心深处的东西,一些他自己也无法挽回的东西。
  Return Man is a start-up company that offers a 100% guarantee in returning lost or stolen items to their true owners.
  Pribprao hires Return Man, owned by Yodyut, to recover her cat. Impressed by his ability to not only return her cat but also enact revenge against her ex who stole it, Pribprao decides to apply to work for the company. While working on their various reclaim missions, she finds herself falling for Yodyut, but he's blocking off something buried deep within his heart, something he hasn't himself been able to recover.
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